Frequently Asked Question
How to manually update Windows Defender Virus Definitions?
Last Updated 5 months ago
- Open Elevated Command prompt
a) Change directory to location of PS Tools
b) Run “PSEXEC \\Computername CMD” and hit enter
c) Also open an elevated PowerShell Window.
Note: You can do this all locally from the computer too. You will not need PSexec to do it locally. Still need elevated command prompt and Elevated PowerShell Windows.
- You will need to get the latest definitions from Microsoft. The mpam-fe.exe file Download the latest Security Signatures from here:64 bit version for Windows 11.It’s at the bottom of the page: Latest security intelligence updates for Microsoft Defender Antivirus and other Microsoft antimalware - Microsoft Security Intelligence
- Copy the mpam-fe.exe to the computer you need to update the signatures/definitions on.
- Go back to your command prompt from earlier and type the following command to remove bad definitions.
“cd %ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender”
“MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures”
- In your PowerShell Windows you can run the following command to verify signature dates. Replace computername with the computer you are working on.
“Get-Mpcomputerstatus -CimSession Computername”
- From Command prompt change to the directory, you have the mpam-fe.exe and then run it from the command prompt. That Exe will install the latest signatures.
- Run the MP Status again from PowerShell window and you should see that your signatures are now up to date.